Hip Pain Treatment Specialist, Torrance, CA
Are you experiencing hip pain, or pain that radiates down the leg? Does the pain worsen when exercising, sitting, or standing? Does the pain keep you from sleeping? There are many different hip conditions that can cause problems in the hip such as pain, inflammation, and limited range of motion. Hip pain specialist, Doctor Prem Ramkumar provides diagnosis and both surgical and nonsurgical treatment options for patients in Torrance California who are experiencing hip pain. Contact Dr. Ramkumar’s team today!

Hip expert in Torrance, California:
Torrance, California is known for many things, including its beaches, international culture, and craft breweries. Torrance is also known for the 5th largest mall in the united states. However, if you are experiencing hip pain that makes it impossible to “shop ‘til you drop”, you need to see an orthopedic expert. Doctor Prem Ramkumar treats patients from Torrance, California who are experiencing hip or knee pain. He offers both surgical and non-surgical treatment options, depending on your specific hip or knee condition.
Why does my hip hurt?
Hip pain can be caused by several different conditions, so it is important to find a specialist who understands your symptoms and can discuss treatment options thoroughly. Dr. Prem Ramkumar received his medical education and surgical training at Cleveland Clinic, Harvard/Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Hospital for Special Surgery – the #1 ranked orthopedic hospital in the country. He was privileged to serve as Assistant Team Physician to the NBA’s Brooklyn Nets and MLS’ Red Bulls during his time at Hospital for Special Surgery. This special training has made him an excellent doctor for treating painful hip conditions.
What is wrong with my hip?
The hip is a complex joint and there are many different reasons the hip can cause pain. Many of these hip conditions can be helped non-surgically. If severe, a comprehensive treatment plan needs to be made to give you the best possible outcome. Conditions Dr. Ramkumar treats include:
- Arthritis
- Hip Impingement (FAI)/Labrum Tears
- Psoas Impingement | Snapping Hip
- Snapping or Squeaking Hip
- Trochanteric Bursitis
- Version Abnormalities
Do I have hip impingement?
Hip pain is most commonly caused by FAI, also known as Femoroacetabular Impingement. FAI occurs when abnormally shaped bones move rigidly against each other and cause a breakdown of cartilage. This results in symptoms that include sharp, ongoing pain in the groin area, hip pain that ranges from a dull ache to stabbing and intense, and stiffness and decreased range of motion in the hip. In the early stages, most patients are not aware of a hip impingement until the symptoms become painful and severe. As the impingement increases, so do the symptoms. Dr. Prem Ramkumar offers both surgical and non-surgical treatments for femoroacetabular impingement and can help patients in Torrance, California.
Can I avoid hip surgery?
There are many ways to treat hip pain without surgery and Dr. Ramkumar successfully treats athletes and non-athletes with great success. Sometimes the solution is as simple as activity modification, or taking a rest from the movement causing hip pain. Other times he may advise over-the-counter medications to reduce inflammation and pain. Several non-operative options are available for patients from Torrance, California including hip injections which have been proven to help hip pain and give a long-term pain-free outcome.
When should I see a doctor for my hip pain?
Pain in any joint, and especially the hip is a warning signal from the body that something is wrong. Persistent hip pain that keeps you from doing daily activities or from participating in the sport that you like should be checked. Dr. Ramkumar can discuss your hip pain symptoms and can tell you if you should be seen in his office. Indications to be aware of that should prompt you to seek out Doctor Prem Ramkumar are:
- Any joint pain that keeps you awake at night
- Sudden and severe hip pain
- Pain that alters the way you walk
- Popping, crunching or a clicking sound when you walk
- If you are unable to complete a full rang of motion with your hip
- An accident or bad fall that causes sudden hip pain
- Swelling or bruising in the hip or joint