Hip and Joint Pain Specialist
Do your hips ache when hiking or visiting the beach? Do you have painful hips or pain in the hip area when sitting, standing or even when sleeping? There are a number of hip conditions that can cause pain and inflammation in the hip, making daily activities, and even vacation activities painful. Hip pain specialist, Doctor Prem Ramkumar provides diagnosis and both surgical and nonsurgical treatment options for patients in Laguna Beach, CA who are experiencing hip pain. Contact Dr. Ramkumar’s team today!

Hip expert in Laguna Beach, California
When you think of Laguna Beach, you imagine the 30+ beaches and nine secluded coves with clear water. Laguana beach making it a great place for swimming, surfing, snorkeling, and paddle boarding. Rather on vacation, or taking a break from work, it can be difficult to appreciate all Laguna Beach has to offer if you have constant hip pain. Hip pain that affects your daily life, and especially your vacationing, should be addressed by an expert in hip conditions. Dr. Prem Ramkumar treats patients from Laguna Beach who are experiencing hip pain, problems walking, and hips that hurt when doing normal and ordinary things.
Why does it hurt when I get up to walk?
It’s easy to blame your “bad back” when you get up to walk and everything hurts. Pain that originates from the lower back can actually be caused by a problem with the hips. The hip is one of the most flexible joints in the body, which makes it susceptible to hip pain and problematic hip conditions. When hip conditions cause pain, it can be debilitating. Sports activities become more difficult, and some hip conditions can progress to an inability to perform daily activities. Hip pain can be caused by several different conditions, so it is important to find a specialist who understands your symptoms and can discuss treatment options thoroughly.
Specially-trained hip and knee expert for Laguna Beach:
Dr. Prem Ramkumar received his medical education and surgical training at Cleveland Clinic, Harvard/Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Hospital for Special Surgery – the #1 ranked orthopedic hospital in the country. He was privileged to serve as Assistant Team Physician to the NBA’s Brooklyn Nets and MLS’ Red Bulls during his time at Hospital for Special Surgery. This special training has made him an excellent doctor for treating painful hip conditions in Southern California, where he now practices.
What treatments are available for hip pain?
Doctor Prem Ramkumar offers many surgical and non-surgical treatment options for residents or vacationers in Laguna Beach, California. Some of his expert treatments available include:
- Abductor Tendon Repair
- Acetabuloplasty | FAI Treatment
- Arthroscopy
- Derotational Osteotomy | Pigeon-Toe Treatment
- Femoroplasty | FAI Treatment
- Labral Tear Repair | Labrum Tear
- Proximal Hamstring Repair
- Resurfacing Surgery
- Revision Total Hip Replacement
- Total Hip Replacement
My hip is causing me to limp:
A change in your gait is a common problem when you have hip pain. Your body tries to compensate for the pain, shifting your weight to a stronger, less painful joint. However, this can cause other problems in the hip and the back. Hip or back pain that radiates to the buttocks and down the leg, or pain that causes a limp needs to be evaluated by a hip specialist. Hip symptoms that should be looked at by Dr. Ramkumar include:
- Snapping or squeaky hip
- A hip that pops or crunches when you move
- Hip pain that keeps you up at night
- Pain that radiates down the leg
- Buttock pain
- Pain that worsens after activity
Can I avoid hip surgery?
There are many ways to treat hip pain without surgery and Dr. Ramkumar successfully treats athletes and non-athletes with great success. Sometimes the solution is as simple as activity modification, or taking a rest from the movement causing hip pain. Other times he may advise over-the-counter medications to reduce inflammation and pain. Several non-operative options are available for patients from (or visiting) Laguna Beach, California including hip injections which have been proven to help hip pain and give a long-term pain-free outcome.